If you’re looking for your past MEPCO Old Bill History, you can check it easily at https://mymepcobill.com.pk! Our website allows you to check your mepco billing history for the last 12 months. With just a few clicks, you can see details like the amounts of your previous bills, the months they were for, the units you used, and whether you’ve paid them or not. If this is your first visit to the website, we suggest checking your mepco bills here every month.
You can also check your mepco bill, and you can use mepco bill calculator to estimate your mepco bill. Also check MEPCO Bill Payment if you want to read about methods of paying your mepco bill.
How To Check MEPCO Old Bill History?
The steps are very simple to check MEPCO Billing History, follow the following steps of:
How To Check MEPCO Old Bill History?
Step 1
Visit https://mymepcobill.com.pk website.
Step 2
Enter your 14 digit reference number without any space in the form above.
Step 3
Click on the Check Bill Button to check, download, and print your MEPCO Duplicate Bill.
Step 4
Click on ‘View Full Bill‘ to see complete bill.
Step 5

Now check MEPCO Old Bill History on the right side of your bill for last 12 months, it also shows the month, units, bill, and payment which was paid each month.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
There are a some common questions and confusions about MEPCO Old Bill History, so we’ve answered all of them.
Can I check MEPCO Old Bill History Online?
Yes, you can check your MEPCO Old Bill History Online at https://mymepcobill.com.pk.
What does 0 in Payment on MEPCO Bill means?
If your bill is showing for a specific month, it means either you didn’t paid your bill for that specific month or mepco didn’t received the payment for that bill.
Can I pay MEPCO Bill Online?
Yes, you can pay your MEPCO Bill Online via Banks, Microfinance Banks, Fintech Banks, and Daraz. Please check our detailed guide on MEPCO Bill Payment.